Town of Colesville Dog Licensing Fees:
Adopted 12/2/2010
Licensing Fees:
Town dog licensing fee (altered dogs) $ 14.00
NYS Animal Population Control Program surcharge (altered dogs) $ 1.00
Total dog licensing fee (altered dogs) $ 15.00
Senior Citizen (65 years +) $9.00
NYS Animal Population Control Program surcharge (altered dogs) $1.00
Total dog licensing fee for seniors $10.00
Town dog licensing fee (unaltered dogs) $ 22.00
NYS Animal Population Control Program surcharge (unaltered dogs) $ 3.00
Total dog licensing fee (unaltered dogs) $ 25.00
Senior Citizen (65 years +) $17.00
NYS Animal Population Control Program surcharge (unaltered dogs) $ 3.00
Total dog licensing fee for seniors $20.00
Town purebred dog licensing fee (no more than 10 dogs) $ 50.00
Town purebred dog licensing fee (no more than 25 dogs) $ 100.00
Town purebred dog licensing fee (over 25 dogs) $ 200.00
* Plus $1.00 per altered dog and $3.00 per unaltered dog surcharge for NYS Animal Population Control
Late payment fee (if dog license renewal is overdue by more than 30 business days) $ 10.00
Enumeration Fee (each dog found unlicensed) $ 25.00
Replacement tag fee $ 3.00