All locations of Broome County have access to contracting with a private hauler for garbage and recycling collection. If a hauler is picking up your trash they are required to pick up your recycling and properly handle it. The fee you pay for garbage service already includes the hauler handling your recycling.
For residents who choose to handle their own trash disposal by taking it to the Broome County Landfill there is a recycling drop-off located at the entrance. There is no fee charged for recycling.
Individuals who choose to haul their trash to the landfill may generate a greater quantity of recyclables than garbage. If this is true of your situation the following tips may help:
Thoroughly rinse recyclables prior to storage to ensure cleanliness.
Crush containers such as milk cartons to maximize space.
Flatten any boxes and neatly stack papers together.
Please note: Burning trash and/or recyclables is prohibited by law and can cause serious health and environmental hazards.