Colesville Rotary Club
Rotary is a local and international organization and their mission is to volunteer their time and talents to help their community and world.
On the local level the Colesville Rotary was established twenty five years ago and has worked very hard on many projects over the years. Such as:
- Harpursville Youth Baseball buildings and fields
- Youth Civic pavilion
- Established an Interact Club (youth community service org.)
- Adopt a highway
- Established matching grant from Rotary District to help Riverside Cemetery
- Helped families in need
- Contribution to Super Celebrations
- Academic Achievement Awards at high school
- Support RYLA - (Rotary Youth leadership Awards) by sending two students to Hartwick College for a week of Training
- Exchange Student Program
- Donations of food/money to food pantry
- Humane Society
- Mom's House
- Founded Dollars for Scholars
- Financial Contributions to Old Ouaquaga Historical Society for roof and cupola project
- Gas Cards for Sr. Citizens
- Vocational Nights
- Citizen of the Year
- Assisted flood victims
- Contribution to American Civic Association
- Contribution to Colesville Ambulance Squad for Halloween party
- Donate money/food baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas
- Adopt a child and/or family for Christmas
- Angel Tree Program
- Up with People - musical production at Broome County Veterans Arena
- Doraville School House relocation
- Built and maintain Town Gazebo
- Afton Fair booth and financial contributions
- Rt. 7
- Senior Citizens - dinners, activities
- And many, many more projects over the years!
International Contributions:
- Polio Plus - meeting our share of the 300 million dollar challenge to match Bill Gates contribution to eradicate polio from the world
- Outdoor Oven Program - provide ovens to needy
- Tents - when needed
- Wheelchairs - when needed
- 17 Boxes to Iraq for Soldiers (with some help from school children)
These are just some of the projects we have done. We certainly could do more if we had more members. Our club would welcome you if you wish to join. Call 693-1423 for questions, time and location of our meetings.
Jim Van Woert